I am not an author, scholar or expert on anything. I’ve learned everything I know from the school of hard knocks.. I’ve lived more life in my short 46 years of my time on Earth than most of the people I know. I’ve had experiences that have shaped me into who I am today. I grew up in a strict Church of Christ household. When I became an adult I began studying Wicca and learning about energy sources and developing my intuition. My soul was and always will be happiest in nature. I related to the nature bound religions. I am fascinated with Pixies, Fairies and Angels. I love reading and writing (I mostly journal). Writing was how I have always communicated best. I lose my train of thought when I’m carrying on a conversation and get interrupted. Writing keeps me from having to be interrupted and I can complete my thought. Otherwise, my brain jumps tracks. I now also proudly claim that I am Neurodivergent. I don’t think like everyone else. I process advanced concepts easier than basic ones.
I’ve been through being an adoptee, finding my biological family and the history associated with them, the journey with my adoptive parents after finding my biological family, I’ve been through an abortion, I’ve lived with mental illness (Bipolar I, C-PTSD, ADHD, Borderline Personality Disorder – mental illness runs deep in my DNA); Abuse in all forms including physical, mental, emotional, and sexual; with lots of childhood trauma.